Feel Good Again
Learn how to banish negativity and self-doubt, and cultivate authentic joy. ENROLL NOWBuy as a giftBeing joyful and confident isn’t about your circumstances. Its about your skills.
Learn the big secret to a happy life.

Lisa Marie Bobby
Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby is the founder and clinical director of Growing Self Counseling and Coaching. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist, a board certified life coach, the author of “Exaholics: Breaking Your Addiction to An Ex Love” and the host of The Love, Happiness and Success Podcast.
Through years of research and her clinical work with her private clients, Dr. Bobby has developed a powerful, effective system for helping people change and grow. Her online Happiness Class walks you through the same growth process she gives her private clients in an easy, affordable format.
Authentic Happiness:
The Core Skills
Do you struggle with self-doubt, self-defeating thoughts, or anxiety? Do you beat yourself up? Do you worry about “what-if’s?”
The first step in achieving authentic happiness is getting in control over your mind.
Dr. Bobby will show you how to cultivate mindfulness, banish toxic thoughts, get a grip on anxiety, and be your number-one fan… instead of your own worst enemy.

Do you turn to unhealthy behaviors to manage your feelings? Do you struggle to take care of yourself the way you know you should?
You will never feel happy if your foundation is weak, and if you’re dragging yourself down through unhealthy behaviors.
Dr. Bobby will show you how to strengthen your Mind-Body connection, stop sabatoging yourself, and start cultivating a foundation of health, cultivating healthy habits, and taking care of yourself.
A Happy Heart.
Do you feel overwhelmed by feelings? Is it hard to calm down? Or do you have trouble even knowing how you feel sometimes?
When your emotions are out of control, overwhelming, or inaccessible you can’t be your best self.
Dr. Bobby will show you how to have a healthy relationship with your emotions so that you can stay in control, and learn how to use your “emotional guidance system” as the lighthouse of truth.

A Happy Life
Have you lost touch with the true you? Are your relationships unsatisfying? Do you spend too much of your time and energy doing things you dislike?
If your life is out of alignment with your core values, you’ll never feel truly happy.
Dr. Bobby will show you how to reconnect with the “real you,” set boundaries around what’s important, and learn how to live fearlessly so that you can create a life full of meaning, purpose and joy.
“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.”
Let’s do this. Take a free online coaching session with Dr. Bobby right now and find out:
What’s Been Holding YOU Back?
Through over a dozen strategic online “sessions” and assignments you’ll be led through powerful experiences that will change the way you think, feel and behave.
You can work through this program in the privacy and comfort of your own home, and at the pace that’s right for you.
This online course, equivalent to $2250.00 of coaching sessions with Dr. Bobby, costs less than even one private session with her. It’s a steal.